Daughters of Erin

PODESTA,Lesley (Lesley.PODESTA@deetya.gov.au)
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 09:22:22 +1000

		Scottie said:
> 	I should very much like to endorse Tim's comments about 
> 	`Colonials'. There is absolutely NO REASON WHATEVER that 
> 	Americans, Canadians, or even our coloured friends from the 
> 	Antipodes should feel the smallest sense of inferiority arising 
> 	the former subservient status of their homelands.  You have all 
> 	done tremendously well since throwing off the oppressor's yoke 
> 	& goodness knows not one of you has the slightest reason to 
> 	apologise for the literatures of your splendid new cultures.
> That's great Scottie  although I do like to point out that this year
> the Melbourne Writers' Festival had to sponsor the BRITISH writers'
> sessions, because they couldn't get a gig here on merit.
> And we in Australia just voted a 2/3 majority of republican candidates
> for our recent constitutional convention. 
> Roll on independence.
> Lesley P.	