Re: argh!
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 00:34:34 -0500 (EST)

Meredith --

    First off, I would just like to comfort you by reminding you that it is
only one paper. Sometimes that's hard to remembet when you are in the midst of
the academic Hell.
   I would also just echo Jim's comments about paper organization. I have been
both an excellent student and a god-awful classroom disaster, and if there was
one thing that made the difference, in the actual classwork, it was
organization, both of my thoughts (before writing) and the paper (informal
outlining). I have since become a journalist and this attention to
organization has made my job extremely easy. I would be embarassed to take
home my paycheck if my paycheck wasn't so small (:
   But anyway, don't feel too bad. We've all been through this before.
Teachers can be a real pain in the ass, especially when they are inconsistent
or forgetful -- but the only way to combat that is to set aside your anger and
make them pay for THEIR mistakes by turning in a kick-ass paper they would be
embarassed to reject.
   I hope that doesn't sound condescending. I meant it as encouragement. I'm
sure with just a second glance and a little patience your paper will be the
pride of that class, and I'm sure it's already very good. After all, you've
got this whole list behind you. How could you lose?
