Re: hitchcock ideal
Mon, 08 Mar 1999 01:39:46 -0500 (EST)

Jim wrote:
"In other words, if the guy is indeed moved to 'drastic measures,' it's
not just because of a leggy blonde.  It's because of his history.  You
need to get to know your character better, give him a childhood, a
background, a source of his emotional needs.  Why leggy blondes in
particular?  Why do YOU prefer leggy blondes in particular?"
	It wasn't the leggy blondes that I meant to stress. I just meant the
"feminine ideal" in general and Hitch's consistent preference for that type
(and the "leggy" was an overstatement on my part, probably, and I should have
emphasized the blondeness as that is the key. Jesus, this is a mess.) Anyway,
Jim, I share your holistic outlook toward appearances, but I definitely have
an "ideal," which I will earnestly spare you all from hearing. As almost any
protagonist is really a stand-in for the author, I know my character's "ideal"
very well, since it's mine too, and I know his history. But I appreciate the
reminder about background. I needed that reminder. I guess I ...
	Aw, forget it. I've wasted enough of your time with this already. Sorry
