Re: What's everyone been reading?

Subject: Re: What's everyone been reading?
From: kate amann (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 19:22:43 GMT

   I've been lurking for a while so i figured i'd join in...

"Amerika" by Franz Kafka

"Fight Club" by Chuck P... (I don't remember how you spell his last name, oh well. the movie was fantastic so naturally I had to read the book)

"A Coney Island of the Mind" Lawrence Ferlinghetti (for the millionth time it seems, I think he's my favorite poet)

"The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More" by Roald Dahl. This guy is great. I just pulled this book out a while ago from my storage boxes in the basement. He was my first favorite author so of course, I have to read it again.

recently finished

"1984" by George Orwell. It was so good, I can't believe I waited that long to read it!

"This Side of Paradise" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This was alright, but Gatsby was so much better (I am LOVE that book (Gatsby) as you may soon find out)

"Death and Fame" by Allen Ginsberg. His last poems before he died. This was another re-read. I'm somewhat of a beat poetry addict.

   I think I'll be adding some of the stuff you guys have been reading onto my list. Any other suggestions? I plan on reading ALOT this summer, after all, I've got a 9 hour plane ride to fill on the way out to hawaii.

   Anyway, I'm going out to splurge at the used book store this weekend, so I need ideas. I just got an 8th edition hardcover copy of Franny & Zooey for 3 bucks a little while ago. I always come out of that place happy.

   Oh and by the way scout, I loved your review! Keep the good stuff coming. I read the digest before i go to school in the morning to get my brain going. I absolutely love being on this list


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