Re: a little JDS

From: James Rovira <>
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 10:47:00 EDT

I meant to write that even his "happiness" was unbearable, not his
"unhappiness," but I'm pretty sure you got the point anyhow.

Really hard to argue with you here. I just get the feeling, sometimes,
that this is part of what's being communicated by the Glass family
stories -- Seymour and Buddy (and Zooey and Franny, but certainly not
Boo-Boo, the little bit we know of her) are self consciously wrong in
all the ways they're wrong and suffer Oh So Much for it. And they even
know they're doing that. It's like they're living in a hall of mirrors
of self absorption and judge themselves for it, but never think of
looking away even for a moment.

Seymour was at least considerate enough of his audience to kill himself.
 Buddy, being a lesser intellect, doesn't get it.


Scottie Bowman wrote:

> '... It's not that he was happy or that he was sad but that he was both, and because of that even his unhappiness was unbearable ...'
> I'm sure this is right. And can you imagine anything more twee, more inky-dinky paradoxical, more stomach-churningly arch?
> Scottie B.

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