Mark Chapman Interview
Sat, 01 May 1999 06:33:25 -0700

If any of y'all are interested, you can read an interview
with Mark Chapman at:

In it he talks about Catcher and how he totally loves it.
It's kind of creepy actually.

(For those of you who still don't know, Mark Chapman is the
man who shot John Lennon. Earlier that day he had Lennon
autograph an album for him (some say he autographed the
catcher book but that's wrong), but he had the
book on him when he shot Lennon.)

"God is a concept by which we measure our pain"
                                       John Lennon

(I have NO idea what that's supposed to mean, it
 just sounds cool to me ;)


   "I'm a professional cynic but my heart's not in it"
                                         Blur  (Country House)


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