RE: cognitive schnognitive

Subject: RE: cognitive schnognitive
From: Besiada, Jennifer (
Date: Mon Nov 27 2000 - 11:12:55 GMT

Dearest Dr. Scottie:

Ah, things are now becoming Clear as Crystal. I know you Do Not Know Me
from Eve, but In a Nutshell, I would like to say first that my name is
Jennifer, and second that although your sarcasm is welcomed on many a
glorious day, I feel All Is Fair in Love and War, and since this smells like
war, I should have a shot in my defense. Only then, perhaps, we can Let
Bygones Be Bygones.

>If I do have a problem with the phrase it's just >another
personal neurosis - like my distaste for >acronyms.

I have my own neuroses which involve acronyms, *clichés*, mundane metaphors,
exclamation points, poor spelling and grammar, mis-used words, and
unwarranted arrogance (insert vision of the Bananafish cowering into a
corner with dictionaries and thesauruses in hand).

>All trades have their jargons & mine probably worse >than most:
affective incongruity, diurnal variation, >passive aggression
...Cripes, I could sit here all >day. I use them myself - but only,
I hope, when >talking to the slower colleagues for whom glib
>categorisation has long ago replaced imagination
>& thought.
It must have *Killed* you to read a layman's use of the phrase *cognitive
dissonance* in every day conversation. Well, Scottie, does it change
anything to reveal that I am, perhaps, one of the aforementioned *slower
colleagues*? I may currently be a software engineer, but once upon a time I
had a Masters in Psychology and a job at a mental health center. So I never
meant to steal your professional thunder; I was just speaking from



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