Re: Plethora of hotfooting
Thu, 06 Nov 1997 01:49:21 -0500

[to bananafish]

On Wed, Nov 05, 1997 at 11:16:08PM -0600, wrote:

> ummm,  is the list down?  i haven't gotten any messages for two days
> straight.  very strange for so active a list as ours.  i guess if it is
> down, no one will get this and if not then no one will care and i will
> get it myself and know that it's not down, so this is a pointless post.
> forgive me, matt

Thou art forgiven!

Seriously, if you have questions like this, send 'em to me directly 
rather than to the list.  That's why I have this here high-prestige 
job of tending to this list.  8-)

I mention this in public only because it may encourage other subscribers
to handle ambiguities offline, so to speak: It's much better to contact 
a single person than to contact hundreds.

Your mail system rejected your mail from this list for the last two 
or three days.  If you tell me about the last post you received (date, 
time, author, subject), I'll pop you copies of everything that happened 
after that point, to get you back up to speed.


--tim o'connor