RE: banned books

JOEL de Courcy Browne (
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 16:31:31 +0000

Hi  Everybody!

I'm writing to you from the only cool room that I can find in this 
sweltering Australian summer- our computer center. It's 90 degrees in 
the house where I'm staying 'cause our uni is too cheap to put 
air-conditioners in the low-grade accommodation :- (

I just checked out the "banned books as art" page and found a link to 
the following:

(scroll about half way down the page)

As well as providing a list of lots of the schools around the US 
where Catcher has been banned, you can also listen  to a woman called 
Victoria reading from TCITR.  You need the real audio plug-in to be 
able  to do this.  I wonder if she'll get into trouble with 
Salinger's lawyers over this....

Thanks for all the cool posts! I've been too busy working lately to 
respond to many but I enjoy reading them all the same :-)


Joel dCB