Re: First Catcher memories?

Tim O'Connor (
Sun, 30 Nov 1997 23:22:01 -0500 says:

> I have learned to miss people like Ackley and others and I don't turn my
> face away in disgust from the falseness of people anymore.I laugh.Is that any
> better?I don't know.

I think it is.  I think learning not to turn away in disgust is an
important step in moving from one naive piece of ground to another, more
realistic, piece of ground.

Besides, we all become phonies at some point, for some period of time,
don't we?  It may be for the length of a phone call, or a moment passing
someone in the street, or saying "glad to have met you" (as I had to do
THREE times this week to strangers!) in a social situation.  As we become
adults we learn to let go, a little, of our early views.  But each time I
said "glad to have met you," I felt the presence of a little fellow on my
shoulder, wearing a hunting cap, whispering, "Phony!"  Moral of that story?
I lived.  I don't hate myself for it.

I think it's a good sign for you.  It's definitely better.
