Re: the Fat Lady
Tue, 03 Nov 1998 16:46:11 -0500 (EST)

I understand what you are makes sense, but personally, it sounds
too simple.  I mean it's probably correct very logical.  The thing is I don't
want to know really why or what exactly Zooey ment when he was talking about
the Fat Lady.  Part the greatness about Franny and Zooey is the feeling I get
after reading it of havign this greater knowledge about life/religion, yet not
really.  If I figure it out, if I just say this is what is meant, that's it,
end of debate, end of curiousity...then the book is over.  No reason to read
it again.  That's why I love Salinger, so many different interpretations..I
love listenign to others thoughts and takes on his stories (that's why I'm on
the list) but i like leaving my own thoughts open ended not complete so I can
take in others thoughts.  So I don't have to say, no that's not how I see it.
I don't know if I'm making sense, but that's the best I can do to explain.
The good part about Salinger is you never are sure what exactly the point is.
