Re: jd is just an author

Abra (
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 00:48:29 +0100

Pasha Paterson wrote:
> Buddy himself claims authorship of the earlier stories within a later one.
> I'll need outside reinforcements to name it, but I think it's S:aI.  (Yes,
> though I couldn't stand to read it, I've tried to learn about it.)

Yeah, I seem to recall that... But since I always thought Buddy=Salinger 
(whether it´s true or not) I thought that was only natural... 

> Hapworth should be coming out in book form before we all die, though it's
> becoming more doubtful by the day; otherwise, it was the last story ever
> published by JD in the NYer.  

Being in Denmark it´s not easy to get to old NY-copies... If anyone has 
any info on which issues we´re talking about I´ll try it, though...

> As for the change in writing style, I would
> contend that the differences between, say, "Bananafish" and "Zooey" are
> quite striking.

I thought that was due to different perspectives - different people 
telling the stories... I don´t remember about F&Z, but Bananafish was 
either told by a stranger (a person not related to the Glass-family) or 
retold by Buddy as told to him... (Am I making any sense here???)
