Re: A Cuddlesome Scottie?

Laughing Man (
Fri, 05 Nov 1999 01:04:06 -0800 (PST)

You must have been dreaming, Bruce. Or…

…Maybe the unbelievers, finally are proved to be wrong. The time of wonders 
is not gone. (Or maybe I’ve just spent too much time reading that 
God-biography lately)


>From: citycabn <>
>This morning, I skimmed and deleted at least five days' worth of posts.
>Hence, I am unable to back track now so as to confirm or deny this
>questionable suspicion:
>Was that well-wrought encomium for the 1966 song, "Here, There and
>Everywhere", composed and sung by those All-You-Need-Is-Love chaps, 
>posted by . . . .?

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