Re: Re:Yawn.

Scottie Bowman (
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 09:27:30 +0000

    Actually, Camille, this site has never been all THAT 
    exclusive in its commitment to Salinger.  There simply 
    aren't all that many new things to be said about such 
    a small body of work.  And although the recent exchanges 
    may have been drearier than previous ones, they were 
    no different in kind - & are probably just as short lived.  
    Illiteracy inevitably dries up the number of ideas available 
    for their expression.

    Real writers, people like you & me (& ... I need not name 
    them, they will recognise themselves) should welcome 
    these arid stretches.  For they illustrate all too vividly 
    what a dangerous diversion any listserve can be.  Just as 
    the saint welcomes poverty & adversity so should 
    we welcome anything that drives us away from worldly 
    temptations & back into the galley that brings us finally 
    to our one true home. 

    Scottie B.