temper, Lucy, temper...

The Laughing Man (the_laughing_man@hotmail.com)
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 12:06:01 +0000 (GMT)

The wind is throwing itself on my window, low gliding clouds outside moving 
like people in old movies, way to fast. And here I sit, reading through a 
million bananafish e-mails and wondering why on earth you people get all 
crazy as soon as I turn my back on you. Even Tim the moderator seems to 
raise some hell from a contributor or two!

I do sometimes get just a little tired of discussions about using lower case 
letters only. And often feel this might be the wrong place to thoroughly 
discuss immensely complex subjects like sexual preferences.  (If I say 
“Salinger is a bad writer”, many would disagree but probably no one here 
would feel personally offended. If I’d say, for example, “homosexuality has 
a purely cultural explanation”, many would feel very much offended. And even 
if not, many would demand a full-length explanation on what I meant. Still 
others would state that my choice of description reveals a naive and problem 
focused approach. Easily stigmatized discussions are not easily dealt with 
at a place like this. Or any other place outside the comfort of your closest 
friends or your local sect.)

Still I find a great anthropological value in these discussions. They tell 
me a little something about the authors. Too often I can’t remember exactly 
who said what, but after a while my little neural network inside has formed 
something to go with the words. So, the yawners out there: if you can stand 
them, some of us find a value in skimming through these posts. And sometimes 
we can’t help but fall in the trap ourselves, joining the 4711:th post about 
the importance of writing exclusively about ol’ JDS on this listserver.

Well, enough of that.  There are a few comments I’d like to make on some of 
the subjects as such, but for now I’ll just say that I totally enjoyed 
Will’s latest poems, and that a few days ago, Scottie wrote something that 
unexplainably made me want to give him a huge hug and a kiss. I totally 
disagreed, of course, but I felt something close to love for the old 


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