Bio # 48

Subject: Bio # 48
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 06:10:09 GMT

Hey Rocky, watch me pull an autobiography out of my hat...
Nothin' up my sleeve....
    I really felt that you were breaking up the atmosphere around me, that
you were clearing the way to allow me to advance, to provide room for an
impossible space for that in me which was as yet only potential, for a whole
virtual germination which must be sucked into life by the space that offered
     I often put myself into this state of impossible absurdity in order to
try to generate thought in myself.   There are a few of us in the era who
have tried to get a hold of things, to create within ourselves spaces for
life, spaces which did not exist and which did not seem to belong in actual
Whoops, sympathetic narrative, though.   Certainly is a dramatic hat.
Now here's something we hope you'll *really* like...

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