JDS storms [ was Re: One other good thing that comes out of Aussieland

jason varsoke (jjv@caesun.msd.ray.com)
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:54:28 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999 AntiUtopia@aol.com wrote:

> I've found a reason for Australia to exist besides Aussieland's contribution 
> to film (Oscar and Lucinda by itself is enough to win it merit). I just 
> purchased an absolutely killer raincoat made in Australia.  First, the cloth 
> is treated with a light oil, so water beads up on it.  I asked what to do 
> about washing it, and was told to hose it off.  I asked what to do about the 
> wrinkles, and was told that they'd come out just by hanging it up.  It's warm 
> and heavy and, above all else, I look absolutely cool :)
> So I guess there's some reason for Australia to exist after all :)

friend of mine has one of those.  You should try buttoning up all the
buttons some time.  Though I'm not really sure what to make out of the
shoulder flaps.  But I think the whole coat could properly prepare even
Salinger's sensibilities for a storm.

   Speaking of which, I get the impression that most of JDS's character's
wouldn't like a storm.  I can see Holden grumbling about the wet rain.
Zooey would curse the clouds and be sure that they were contriving against
him.  Buddy would never be caught out side, and if he where, would have no
idea what to do, or how to even go about getting under cover.  Seymour
would look up at the decending rain and notice that the sunlight has taken
aquious form and would fear getting a sun burn from all the sun-drops
falling on his balding head.

   I think Boo-boo is probably the only Glass who has the common sense to
stand under a porch and just listen to the rain beat a mowed grass lawn.
