Re: 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature: Gunter Grass

citycabn (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:17:00 -0700

Cecilia wrote:

>What an odd coincidence...
>Not many days after reading your post, Bruce, my mother, who likes to buy
books for me that are labeled "Literature," handed me the 1984 O. Henry
Short Story Awards compilation, containing, you guessed it, "To Jerome..."
>What an excellent story.  I laughed out loud more than once.

citycabn had written after reading G. Grass had won the Nobel Prize:

>>Damn, Gordon Lish is proved right once again!
>>In his longish short story, titled "For Jerome, with Love and Kisses,"
>>written in the supposed voice of Sol Salinger to his son, Sol needles
>>about his abandonment of the perfectly good names Jerome David for the
>>initials JD.  Sol says something along the lines of:   "What *is* a JD?
>>do you expect the King of Sweden to give the Nobel Prize to a JD; it's not
>>even a real name."

How wonderful to have a mother who buys one books labeled "Literature".
Somehow it has a Salingeresque ring to it!

Anyone else ever read "For Jerome"?  Any thoughts?  Or, for that matter, the
Esme parody by Gordon Lish, "For Rupert..."?
