Re: l'eternel retour

Subject: Re: l'eternel retour
From: Scout Thompson (
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 18:34:18 GMT


        There was an interesting quote again, as much as I
        hate to be the interesting quote dispenser, that said
        that "When we begin to use imagination instead of
        experience as a guide, we get a bit of our childhood

        But now I'm hitting the tab key to start a sentence!
        What's happening? :)

        We can pretend that if in the past its happened it will
        happen again- "History repeats itself," a quote by a
        harvard going section man but common sense as it were-
        but to assume that if it hasn't happened, it won't, is
        horrendous. The situationists used to say there would
        be no more technology that could give back community the
        way the industrial revolution took it away- and yet, here
        we are, on the internet. Who could have guessed? History
        may repeat itself, but history also oftentimes doesn't
        repeat itself.

        Obligatory Salinger Reference: When I was at work last
        night, I was covering donuts with sugar, and for ten
        seconds I was 10 years old making snowballs. The phenomena
        was less than concerned with precedent.


Scottie Bowman wrote:
> '... Must everything have a precedent? What a horrendous
> future we'd have for ourselves! ...'
> That's the way it goes, Scout. From switching on
> the shebang at first light to switching off the whatsit
> at sundown, we operate on the assumption that if it
> happened before it'll probably work that way again.
> Scottie B.
> -
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