re: taking a horticulture

From: Diego M. Dell'Era <>
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 23:03:41 EDT

    (Sorry, this is off-topic.)

    Scottie said:
        "I was doing my Salvation Army rant the other day
         on Heming-L - to a reluctant audience - about
         the way drink had destroyed Ernie."

    In the class where I taught for the first time today, the whole
    bunch of thirteen-year-old kids were, you will be happy to
    know, instinctively aware of the dangers of drinking.

    I had been appointed to teach some grammar and a couple
    of short stories. I chose "Indian Camp". Although the
    translation was butcherly, they really got hooked on the
    story. You should have seen them: one minute laughing at
    the squaw bitch, the next one reading in sepulchral silence.
    That slit throat came as a big surprise.

    Another shock for them was to discover (they made me blurt
    it out rather early) how the author himself had ended. I had
    handed out the brief illustrated biography written by Anthony
    Burgess, so that they could see Ernie, some huge marlin, Africa,
    Agnes K., etc. One of the kids pointed at the cover (which in
    the Spanish paperback edition features a fountain pen, some
    blank sheets of paper and a bottle of wine) and asked if the
    drink had had something to do with his demise.

    Diego D.

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