RE: however, this is a tragic situation

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Mon Sep 29 2003 - 11:02:56 EDT

"Anywhere"? That one word speaks volumes.

Jim, as far as I can tell, you are no conservative. What passes for a
conservative in most universities is usually some watered down liberalism
but with the nature of modern universities it just means weaker rhetoric.

...No one of any intelligence in the US thinks they have a bright future
without a college education, and most feel they need at least a Master's
degree in order to really get anywhere.
Next step is to ask yourself, "Who is teaching all these future BAs and MAs,
and how can they possibly be irrelevant since _everyone_ has to go through
them to get their degree."
I will say I've spent my entire academic career as a conservative in a
University setting, and haven't found any shortage of people who enjoyed my
participation in class and worked to help me advance to the next level.
Some positively enjoyed it -- there was a great deal of entertainment value
in it for them. A conservative in the middle of a tediously politically
correct parade livens things up quite a bit.
I'd also add that political ideology isn't the only important thing to
professors, and with many it's not important at all. Creativity and
intelligence and personality and hard work have a lot to do with it too.
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