RE: however, this is a tragic situation

From: Yocum Daniel GS 21 CES/CEOE <>
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 10:44:36 EDT

Jim, why do you criticize the details of the accusation against humanities
academia because you are suspicious of its honesty and yet when some is
suspicious of the honesty of the humanities academia, you do not respond
with the middle ground honest skepticism but rather defense. So, you have a
bias that you deny with these claims of middle ground and feigned
neutrality. I may be stupid, but you are full of shit. You want me to
quote you to you? Ok, I'll start saving a running tab of quotes from now
on, on your vaunted middle ground. We will tabulate what you choose to
scrutinize and what you let pass. Will this make you happy?

You say "You never, ever do" but I remember a post from only yesterday where
I quoted you and offered it up as a specimen for discussion, hell, that was
only yesterday and you have already forgotten.
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