"Honors English"

From: <Omlor@aol.com>
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:22:40 EDT

Hi Scottie,

The course titled "Honors English" is not actually an English course. It's a
literature course for Honors students, designed to get them to read and write
about literature. It's content changes every semester, based generally on
what I feel like reading that term.

Sometimes it's poetry, sometimes it's novels, sometimes it's dramas,
sometimes it's a single author course or a two author course, sometimes it's organized
around a single idea or a set of ideas (as this one is) or around periods or
around genres, etc. Once it was even a single book course -- we spent sixteen
weeks reading Moby Dick. It was very cool. We learned everything you can
imagine, not only about whaling and New England history and Melville and
American Lit and Romanticism, but also about 19th century philosophy and Shakespeare
and style and language and all other sorts of cool stuff.

The "English" in the course title refers to the department under which it is
listed, "English" in many American Universities being the name of the place
where they teach Literature, including World Lit. and Comparative Lit.

Sorry for the confusion.


PS: Now that I think of it, I wonder if Daniel has actually read Descartes'
*Meditations on First Philosophy*. Do you suppose he knows it's a
philosophical and theological proof of the existence of God? I guess teaching such a text
just reveals more of my personal bias.

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