Hello all

Sam Bryant (Sam_Bryant@atlmug.org)
Tue, 23 Sep 1997 21:07:36 -0400

	Well, I've been lurking on this list for a few days now, before introducing
	I'm almost 15, a high school freshman. I read Catcher in the Rye last year,
and fell in love with Salinger. To date, he remains my favorite author, and has
exercised a huge influence on my own writing style. I've also read Raise High
the Roof Beams, Franny, Zooey, and the first 5 stories in 9 stories. I gave up
trying to read Seymore: and Introduction, but I'll get around to reading the
latter half of 9 stories soon.
	My dad is a big Salinger fan, having read all his stuff as it originally
appeared in the New Yorker. He had saved an article from the Times in February
about Hapworth (which my dad suspects he still has in the New Yorker for,
decomposing in our basement) that I just read for the first time. The author
described it as "utterly charmless", and I'd like to hear what people here have
to say.
	So far, I've not noticed that this group stays very on topic, what with the
recent discussions about television and life after death, but maybe I've come
in at the wrong time or have been ignoring the wrong messages. I have great
hopes for reading and writing about the works of this great author.

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.