Re: Seymour/dying of light -Reply

Patti Larrabee (
Thu, 25 Sep 1997 09:48:51 -0600

In S:AI Buddy refers to two stories in which is sister Boo Boo acuses him of
trying to get "at" Symour.  Although he dosn't  refer to them by name he does
refer to a stroy about S's honeymoon in Florada and suicide and to another
story about a small boy that he takes a great deal of time describing his
eyes.  Boo Boo thinks he was trying to describe S's eyes.  In Teddy Salinger
describes thse same eyes.  There have been some recent comments tah S:AI is a
little more difficult to plow through.  While this may be true it also holds
lots of gifts, secrets, and clues to the Glass family saga and to Salinger
himself, IMHO.