Re: Salinger, Dylan, and more Salinger

Camille Scaysbrook (
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 14:09:16 +1000

> gracias tim, you make good sense.  I do think Mr. Salinger was getting
> some support from his parents and now wonder what Sol thought of his
> "writer" dad was a salesman who worried so much about his writer
> son starving that he damn near forced me into his business.  The only way
> out for me was to succeed at it and then say no--damn near broke my dad's
> heart on that one and he died before he could truly know I was right to
> get back to more text based realities, and so I wonder now what it was
> like at the Salinger breakfast table in l947...

I've met so many writers who have a story just like this (and far worse - I
know a guy who has worked for some of the biggest newspapers and magazines
in Sydney and just last week his Dad asked him if he was still a barman)
I'm very lucky in that my parents have supported me all the way and don't
fail to thank my lucky stars for that fact because for a lot of people -
and JD included it seems - it wasn't that easy. (and your parents *do* do
things for your own good - even I understand the purpose of having a
fallback option.)
