thessalonians . . .

craig king (
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 23:49:04 +0100

to the merry folk of bananafish . . .

following up on f&z. i've been reading thessalonians (1) again, the 
verse, chapter, book from which the inspiration for the pilgrim's 
prayer comes . . .

Chaper 5, Verse 16 . . .

16 Rejoice evermore.

17 Pray without ceasing.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Jesus 
Christ concerning you.

Ah, Paul, he's such a correspondent. I would love to get a letter 
like that. But no, just to the Thessalonians and the Corinthians. As 
Eddie Izzard has said, he doesn't just write to one man he writes to 
an entire city. Yes, to Titus, and Philemon, and the Hebrews but 
you just know he loves the <italic>cities </italic>more. Always the prophet, always 
the convert . . .

What else can you want in a perfect letter other than a teeny bit of 
human grace? Actually, wit. Then there really aren't many witty 
prophets. They're all so . . . ooh . . <italic>prophety. </italic>Either a witless 
prophet or a witty heathen. Such a choice! I love Salinger because 
of his wit and his grace. Not a prophet, not a heathen. I like the fact 
that he's a bit of both.

I'll stop writing now. I'm clearly writing blathery foolishness.

craig king

p.s: i love the way it says 'every thing' and not 'everything'. The 
difference is major, for me . . .

<italic>and a good night to you all . . .</italic>
