Camille & William Morris; will and Italy; Les Glass & ?

citycabn (
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 11:38:39 -0700

I have been away from the medicine-cabinet mirror for awhile.  But since Tim
continues to lovingly transcribe the tracings of the moist slivers of soap,
I have been able to catch up somewhat by reading the August Archives.

A belated welcome back and brisk salute to will.  You might nod your head to
the following quote from the Indian writer, Raja Rao:  "One must learn
Italian, for God has texture in that language."

And congratulations to Camille re the signing with the William Morris
Agency.  From the post, I am hazy on the details, but am convinced your
bananafish brethren would agree that the WMA got the better of the deal.
*WMA* should be shouting Yahoo!

As for citycabn=Les Glass.  Thanks, Camille.  Though I am not sure of the
connection (apart from my genealogical discovery re Les and Australia).  But
I am proud to be associated with any of the Glasses, even Zooey's black
mollies.  :)