Oedipus and DDS

PODESTA,Lesley (Lesley.PODESTA@dewrsb.gov.au)
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 18:15:32 +1000 (EST)

Jim wrote:
"His solipsism may be the result of grief for
loss of his mother, but I don't see that he ever stepped out of this much
even ten years later. " 

I've always read DDS as an Oedipal tale. He hates his stepfather (who is his
rival for his mother), loves his departed mother (to whom he refers in his
job application as his wife), remembers lunch with his mother as life's
sweetest moment,has allusions to the castration complex  (dentist pulling
teeth, painting where the tongue comes out)and falls in love with a nun.
I tell you, JDS is a constant source of richness for we old Freudians!