Re: Love song of Alfred L. Theorist

Sundeep Dougal (
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 18:53:41 +0530

> But the phrase, "inverted forest" is pretty odd.  It's outside of
> experience, there's nothing in my life to contextualize it.  I don't
> I've EVER heard that phrase, in fact, until I saw it as the title of

I am not sure whether I came across this in the story itself, or some
commentary or the other -- but isn't there some explanation somewhere
about those transparent-glass type paperweights that are quite common
to come across in these parts which have multi-colored "tree of life"s
in them? As a distraction, quite common to be playing around with
them...and when trying to spin them it seems like an inverted

I could look up references if I can find to the usage as such as "the
inverted forest" in any of the translations of Upanishads or the Vedas
itself...but the allusion and the mythologies which use the metaphor
are pretty well known to my mind.
