Movie Rights To Catcher
Mon, 20 Sep 1999 15:32:05 -0500 (CDT)

In the biography Dylan by Anthony Scaduto (page 129 in the paperback
edition)  One of the executives at MCA (talent agency) upon hearing Bob
Dylan's first album called Dylan's agent John Hammond and said " I've
got two possible things for him. I want to get him an audition for the
Ed Sullivan show, and I want to see if he can play Holden Claulfield.
We own the rights to Catcher In The Rye and we think maybe we finally
found  Holden Claulfeld in your boy".

It seems suprising to me that Salinger had sold the rights to Catcher.
It's also strange that nothing was done with the project. (if not with
Dylan, with somebody) Does anyone know for sure if Salinger was able to
regain the movie rights, or does MCA - or whichever company that MCA has
become since then still own them?