This week's New Yorker

Matt Kozusko (
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 12:11:30 -0500

The Sept. 27th _New Yorker_ features a kind of remake of "Franny,"
overhauled by B-grade Tarantino understudies with a special (and
paradoxical) weakness for Hitchcock.  There is a Lane, a
Theory-spouting Nazi who is even more detestable than his prototype,
and a Franny who reads Indian capture narratives instead of Russian
religious odysseys.

The dialogue recalls--but misses painfully--Lane and Franny at
Sicklers.  He's boring and insensitive; she's dreamy and pregnant.  A
transient latino looking for work stands in for the chicken sandwich. 
It's pretty fascninating.  Reminds me of Updike's "The A&P" next to
Matt Kozusko