Re: I Wanna Be Sedated...

Subject: Re: I Wanna Be Sedated...
From: Scottie Bowman (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 07:14:55 GMT

    '... I think it's enough to say that the man's credited with
    creating the ultra-countercultural movement, punk rock ...'

    I BEG your pardon.

    Like penicillin, the sundered lithium atom, the cavity
    magnetron, Newtonian physics, Humeian philosophy,
    & the Cumberland sausage, punk rock was not an American
    invention - but BRITISH. And as even the most brutish
    Louisiana swamp dweller knows - as even *I* know -
    its onlie begetter was Sid Vicious, he of the Sex Pistols.

    But not only do you reveal the extreme parochialism of
    your world view, Cecilia, you're now beginning to show
    your age. ('Ah, you'll never know la douceur de la vie
    if you didn't know the Seventies ....')

    Do you REALLY think humanity changes from generation
    to generation? Little Davy Brooks doing his 'survey' in
    Princeton sounds as sweetly gullible as Margaret Meade
    with her Booboogaloo Islanders. 'Seek & ye shall find -
    whatever it was you were hoping to find in the first place...'

    Human being remain the same old conforming drears they've
    been from Day One. For every two moderately original
    souls who set the tone there are twenty four thousand whose
    only wish - whose only ability - is to follow whatever happens
    to be the current wave. When you - all those years ago - were
    bravely defying your parents you did so, I'm pretty sure, in strict
    conformity with whatever was acceptable to your peer group.
    How many of your fellow 'rebels' thought of joining the American
    Nazi Party or the KKK or, even, the junior branch of the GOP
    in token of true rebellion? Or wear a three-piece suit, or a decent
    dress - when all about were stuffing dead daffs in their hair?
    Not many, old Cec, not many.

    Don't fret over the Organisation Kids - they're no more
    a real entity & represent no more a genuine attitude than any
    of their predecessors (except insofar as unimaginatinve
    compliance has always been the human norm.) We're going
    to have to depend, as ever, on the true odd bods - who cannot
    be forecast or captured in any old amateur sociological survey.
    (By another of those guys who hope sheer weight of verbiage
    will give an impression of seriousness.)

    Scottie B.

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