Re: mystery solved

From: <>
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 18:32:42 EDT


Funny, I don't remember Said saying anything about Georgie and the Bushettes
going from a budget surplus to a deficit of over a trillion dollars in less
than four years or about cutting taxes for the very rich while slashing the
education budget and at the same time funding an 8 billion dollar,
politically anachronistic, technologically comical Star Wars space defense
program against ICBM's that no one has or uses anymore all because there's
money in it for Raytheon and Boeing and his good old frat brothers.

Neo-conitis has infected the nation, and greed and self-interest and
short-sightedness abound among the elected elite. And everything about their
attitude about the world, about the economy, about feeding their brothers
some business and some profit on the side, about the rich getting richer and
the poor getting poorer, and about their being God's favorite, indeed, about
it all, reveals that they haven't become one bit less spoiled or less
short-sighted or less irresponsible than they were when they were chanting
nonsense in Skull and Bones and having their folks get them out of DUI busts.

Now, unfortunately, they just run a much bigger club.

Yes, The neo-cons are on the march (for now), with their God on their side
(as they repeatedly tell us in their speeches), both at home and abroad.
Ashcroft and Bush are indeed "Born Again," and they have seen the light. And
they smirk with the self-righteousness of the saved as they cry out,
following Samuel L. Jackson's Jules, "and you will know my name is the Lord,
when I lay my vengeance upon you."

The "freedom" they speak of, though it will quickly become a mere figment for
most Iraqis, as it already is for most Afghans, is the rhetoric that allows
them to fund Bin Laden and the Taliban and Hussein and all the rest and then
to bomb and strike hard when those they funded turn out (to no one's
surprise) to be murderous bastards who attack the hand that so stupidly fed
them. But it's all for the good. It’s what God wants.

And meanwhile, there are defense contracts to be awarded and rebuilding
contracts to be awarded and votes to be won and there is even a wonderful tax
cut coming (if you make lots of money every year). And the debt might be
skyrocketing, but we're spreading God's gift to the world (no matter what the
world thinks) and our children can always pick up the tab.

We live in an irresponsible age of self-interest and greed at the top levels
of government and nothing should surprise us anymore, including arguments
about which bombs killed and maimed which kids.

And nothing will change. And in the end, we will have written our own sad
history of the neo-con movement and it will be replaced with some sort of a
return (for a time) to a historically aware and culturally sensible foreign
policy and a fiscally sound and responsible economic policy.

Yes, this too shall pass. And, in the meantime, if you're in the way of the
marching or the bombs, I guess you have no one to blame but yourself (and the
evil bastard running your country thanks to initial US support).

With an Alice in Wonderland vision like this, it's no wonder we're making so
many really big rabbit holes.

All the best,




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