Re: mystery solved

From: Jim Rovira <>
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 22:19:36 EDT

Ach. You're probably right. Time will tell. In the meantime, let's all
support fuel cell cars or learn from that Welsh guy how to run cars on
grease drippings.

Jim wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> I see no reason to suspect that the Russians would have been any more
> successful at "controlling the region" for any significant length of
> time than we will we be. They weren't even doing very well in the
> Afghan mountains before we sent anti-tank missiles and small weapons
> and serious funds to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, those noble warriors that
> Rep. Bob Dornan, on the floor of the US House of Representatives,
> declared to be "Freedom Fighters" and "patriots" as brave and as
> righteous as our own Founding Fathers -- of course, that was more than
> a few years before they drew up and executed their plan to hijack four
> airplanes and fly them into buildings here in the good old US of A.
> No, I don't think the Russians would have done any better than us.
> And they would have eventually left, too. Just like the Romans, just
> like the French, just like the Spanish, just like the British (twice),
> and just like we will.
> Afghanistan already on the way back to tribalism. Iraqis chanting "No
> to Bush, No to Saddam, Yes to Islam." Syria and Lebanon backing
> Hezbullah against Israel. Iran sending weapons around the region and
> helping the fundamentalists establish local authority in rural Iraq.
> Our own allies, the Saudi's and the Kuwaiti's, for instance, refusing
> to crack down on their own local support for international terrorism
> or even to consider anything like "democracy." And so on...
> In ten years, the region will be no different politically or in terms
> of "peace" or "democracy" than it was last year. But we will have
> spent billions.
> Watch and see.
> All the best,
> --John

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