Re: Gone Bananafishing. Back Soon.

Camille Scaysbrook (
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 12:18:55 +0000

Aw, no fair! I wanna call you Godot ! I wish I had thought of a cool 
online name. Any ideas anyone.

Anyway, have a nice time away from those betelnuts. Tell Mary Hudson 
to hit a home run for us all. Bye Godot ... I mean Brad. (: or :)

> Don't nobody think of anything too interesting or insightful until I get
> back. From now on I am no longer, Godot. My name is Brad Colbourne.
> People call me Brad Colbourne. Perhaps, under the psychological guise of
> the pseudonym I have masked my true self. So now I am me. Goddamit. I
> hope it's not too touchy-feely, though it clearly is, for me to just
> break down into electronic tears and declare between sobs that 'I love
> you guys. No, I really mean it. I love you guys'. Anyway, the interior
> decorators have arrived with well-received suggestions of 'rubber
> wallpaper' and I dare not interrupt their attempts at progress any
> longer. I'm still thinking very hard, and I especially like what Malcs
> once said about the dancing. I leave you for 8 days, amongst the
> bananas, with the carefully altered comment: