Re : Post postmodernism

Camille Scaysbrook (
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 17:53:01 +0000

Hey - I'm a dyed in the wool postmodernist myself  (I'm making no
apologies either) and I can still a) enjoy things without worrying
about their intertextuality etc etc and b) thoroughly enjoy and
appreciate the works of the modernists. `Post' does not mean `anti' -
postmodernism does destroy some aspects of modernism, but it
consolidates others. True, some of the theorists are a crock but I was
just thrilled to know that there was a name for all the observations I
had made when I learnt of the term.

Back to JDS - I've always thought the best thing about him is that
he's not a modernist, a postmodernist, a neo-realist - he just IS.
Great literature shouldn't have to be merely the best representation
of its style but THE BEST.
Camille Scaysbrook