second opinion

Scottie Bowman (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 06:39:23 +0000

	There has recently been a discussion on the Austen list 
	about books that should come with a health warning.

	Someone called Cassia van Arsdale recently submitted 
	the following opinion.  I must admit I was mildly shocked 
	to read such ruderies in such genteel surroundings.

	'...The book I think should most bear a warning label would 
	be JD Salinger's _A Catcher in the Rye_.  I read this for 
	the first time when I was twelve and I thought Holden Caulfield 
	was a prat.  As this is the favourite novel of so many of my 
	friends, I read it at least four more times over the years and 
	my opinion has changed:  I later thought him a git and now 
	I believe him to be a wanker.  This character is worse than 
	Fanny Price [of Mansfiedl Park] in his holy innoscence and 
	wisdom act, at least Fanny WONDERS if she could possibly 
	be acting wrongly and Holden never does...'

	What do you think of that, then ?

	Scottie B.