Re: second opinion

Tiril Broch Aakre (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 14:05:59 +0200 (MET DST)

Well, I can't be really bothered such stupidity (still I have to respond
to it...not very consistent). To say that Holden is not reflective
about himself...I would say that that's one of the most important things
he is.

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Scottie Bowman wrote:

> 	There has recently been a discussion on the Austen list 
> 	about books that should come with a health warning.
> 	Someone called Cassia van Arsdale recently submitted 
> 	the following opinion.  I must admit I was mildly shocked 
> 	to read such ruderies in such genteel surroundings.
> 	'...The book I think should most bear a warning label would 
> 	be JD Salinger's _A Catcher in the Rye_.  I read this for 
> 	the first time when I was twelve and I thought Holden Caulfield 
> 	was a prat.  As this is the favourite novel of so many of my 
> 	friends, I read it at least four more times over the years and 
> 	my opinion has changed:  I later thought him a git and now 
> 	I believe him to be a wanker.  This character is worse than 
> 	Fanny Price [of Mansfiedl Park] in his holy innoscence and 
> 	wisdom act, at least Fanny WONDERS if she could possibly 
> 	be acting wrongly and Holden never does...'
> 	What do you think of that, then ?
> 	Scottie B.