Re: Unsubscribing

Camille Scaysbrook (
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 17:14:05 +1000

Oh Scottie, Scottie, Scottie. He *was* joking you know. He was so knocked
out by Venice that he made a deliberately pseudo-boorish judgement on it so
as to not make me feel totally jealous and left-out. Oddly I cannot
ascertain whether you are slinging an equally ironic volley back at me - if
so one of us must break the cycle of irony and it was me.

Just for the record my boyfriend and I have been together for two years and
have singlehandedly broken just about every cliche, judgement, and
stereotype about young couples. We are remarkably non-hangupy and although
we have little in common in some ways (other than a bristling intellect and
I must regret to tell you he beat me by two points in the Australian final
exams - I got a 94% he got a 96%), we love each other very much and I am
not swayed a bit by all these online proposals I keep getting. (:

Maybe I better keep irony out of my emails, it's only been getting me into
trouble lately.


>     Camille, 
>     When you get back from the Isle of Tuscany - or even
>     before you go - you should ditch that boy friend. 
>     His image of Venice re-establishes at a stroke all 
>     the brutish & insensitive associations with our antipodean 
>     friends that you've done so much to demolish over the 
>     past year.
>     Scottie B.