Re: columbine

bob pigeon (
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 22:05:54 -0700

At 11:32 AM 4/29/99 +0200, Julia Haldemann wrote:
>metal dectectors...u know that  makes me really sad 8((((((((((((((((

metal detectors may be a bad sign and stuff of our society, but you know
what, if all i have to do to gain a bit more security is wait a few minutes
and have people walk through a little box, that's cool with me
better than someone shoots me

"So you don't want to study?  What can you do?  What good are you?
 What can you *do*?  It has cost me thousands of dollars to raise
 you, feed you, and clothe you!  Suppose I left you here on the 
 street?  Then what would you do?"
"Catch butterflies"
				-- Charles Bukowski