hello list once again!

Subject: hello list once again!
From: Graham Preston (gpreston@mail.com)
Date: Thu Aug 03 2000 - 13:34:20 GMT

Well I guess I should get out my 3rd hello message, so here we go...

I don't know if/how much the list has grown since I left so here's my brief
JDS/bananafish history.

I first read CITR during a french class in 95-96, shortly after I saw "Six
Degrees of Seperation". I was immediatly struck by the crimson cover and
the amazing first page. I read it in perhaps 1 night, and was hooked. I
soon went to the library looking for all the information I could on this JDS
guy. My travels eventually led to the net, and the venerable Holden Server
(RIP). From there I found the list (in spring 96?) and subscribed (hello
message #1).

I lurked, sometimes spouting my opinions for the masses, for about 3 years
until I neglected the list, concentrating on inane subjects like Physics,
Chemistry, Math, etc. I resubscribe after a lapse in Nov. '99 (hello
message #2), but eventually neglected the list once again. I abandoned my
old email address (ac109@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca for the old school crowd), and
kept putting off a resubscription.

Finally yesterday, I revisited my old email address and found 1200 (!)
b-fish messages! I failed to unsubscribe in my naivite, and after being
shocked, I deleted all those messages (sorry I couldn't read them all!) and
have resubscribed. This time, I hope, I'll fail to neglect the list once

And, oh yeah, my name is Graham Preston.

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