
Subject: Esme
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 22:35:19 GMT

    Hey everyone, it's Jake, the one with the fake id. I'm just barely back
from my film course in Paris, it was amazing. By the way, Saki wrote a story
called Esme about some people going hunting who find a hyena and it ends up
eating a baby and dies and some good stuff like that. It was the only time
besides For Esme With Love And Squalor I've seen that name.
    Oh, and I just watched the Little League World Series. I've never seen a
bigger bunch of babies, crying when they didn't get a call. It made me want
to just about puke. The only reason I kept watching is I wanted to root
against the South, and I wanted to see someone get beaned. I think a Little
League bench clearing brawl would be great.

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