re: big brother (when big brother was REALLY watching us)

Subject: re: big brother (when big brother was REALLY watching us)
From: Diego Dell'Era (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 15:57:30 GMT

Dear Zazie, I can top your embarassment. Take this from
someone whose mail address ends with ".ar".

Being 25 myself, in this country, I feel that my generation's
most corresponding geistliche Zeitgenossen are the sons of
alleged Nazi soldiers. We have inherited some form of guilt,
an we deal with it by means of social condemnation of known
unconvicted perpetrators, since decisive legal actions are no
longer viable.

Surely you have heard about the "escraches", that is, public,
shameful exposure of criminals from that time, wherever it is
possible. Still, some people find something quite unfulfilling
in this procedure, something with the sour aftertaste of

It might shock you to know that most people here approve of
the marriage of Maxima, too. I can understand why your crown
prince may entertain no doubts about the marriage. Why should
he, if the courts in his father-in-law's country have ruled in his
favour? The whole issue is very irritating.

I am pleased to know that you have strong ethical convictions.
Maybe all we have left is Scottie's injunction, "Dou YOU read
any history?". And we should take that capital YOU very, very

diego d.

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