Huck and Tom's Buddhist Adventure

From: Paul Miller <>
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 21:43:22 EDT

I read this in the Summer issue of Tricycle and found it priceless, here is
an excerpt.

Huck and Tom's Buddhist Adventure [excerpt]
by P.B. Law

What happens when Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer learn about skillful
drinking, the King and the Duke don monkish robes, and the Widow Douglas
takes refuge?


I knowed I was in for a heap of sivilizing soon as I got back to St.
Petersburg. But this time around it warn't like no sivilizing I'd ever heard
tell of before. First off, they had me go back and stay with the Widow
Douglas, as she was all so lonesome ever since her sister, Miss Watson,
passed away. Soon as I set foot in the house, though, I knowed something was
up. She had that look in her eye that meant one of two things: either she
was trying to pass a gallstone something fierce, or she had got religion of
a sudden. Knowing her, I figured it was religion, so I laid low and minded
my table manners good, so she wouldn't take her religion out on me. But one
day I said something mean about one of the neighbors, and so she heaved a
big sigh and said, "You know, Huckleberry, the Good Book tells us that you
should love thy neighbor as thy self, and my gooroo told me that that's
because thy neighbor is thyself, so every time you say something hurtful
about your neighbor, you're hurting yourself, too."
This was the first time I had heard any such stuff, so I asked her what her
gooroo was. Well, I shouldn't a opened my mouth, 'cause she set full steam
to a bodacious sermon about what a fine Christian man her gooroo was, and
how he brung the true religion back from Asia, and how we was all inner
connected like, so that if we was to feed someone else, we'd get full, too,
and if we was to steal our neighbor's money, we'd be stealing from ourself.
I let her go on, 'cause like I said, sudden religion is like a gallstone,
and you just gotta letit pass.
To read the rest of "Huck and Tom's Buddhist Adventure," please see the
Summer 2002 issue of Tricycle.
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