Re: Racial diveristy here and possible (probable maybe,

Tim O'Connor (
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 19:12:52 -0400 (EDT)

Andrew: Your remarks are intriguing, and (I hope) sure to stir up some
debate here, but I have to add one comment:

> It is an undebatable fact
> that JDS's writing unwavingly depicts very privilidged people and
> lifestyles.  Such upper crust ways of life in fiction have the dubious
> effect of alienating readers not familiar, accustomed to, or even
> sympathetic to those of such a class standing.

I come from a distinctly lower-class background, and (as I do with the
characters in the movie "Metropolitan") I view people you would call
"privileged" as fascinating and exotic creatures.  I think the behavior and
habits are endlessly entertaining.  (Actually, that may be why I liked
"Metropolitan" so much, because the lead character comes from the "wrong"
side of NYC and can't keep up with the wealthy crowd, the people he scorns
for their phoniness, yet at the same time people he befriends.)

So, I've always been attuned to the characters rather than to their
material surroundings, and it worked for me, but your mileage, as they say,
may vary.
