Re: jds&postmodernism

Matt Kozusko (
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 14:05:36 -0400

Kevin Burns wrote:
> lisble (readerly)/scriptible (writerly)
> Things break down here. I need to look at this more. Certainly his
> stories would fall under readerly texts, to me anyway. Maybe Catcher
> could be argued as falling under *writerly*. But this and eveything else
> makes good classroom argument.

In what sense do you see _Catcher_ as potentially a writerly text?  How
_Catcher_ more than "Hapworth" or _S:AI_ or _Raise High_?  _Catcher_
frustrates the simpler models of narrative by refusing a tidy
conclusion, and perhaps in a few other areas, as well, but even with
that sort of playfulness, it still tends in the end toward the basic
"life is a journey" metaphor.   

Matt Kozusko