Re: letter to list

Sundeep Dougal (
Tue, 03 Aug 1999 22:43:23 +0530

I must protest at this slur on my fair name. First, I am called that
suicidee (and to think I am past that viable, diable age by at least 3
years now) and then the epithet "nice" is hurled at me with a finality
that leaves me gasping under its impact and weight.

I also contest the assertion that we are all "wannabe" Holdens. I submit
that we all _are_ Holden, to some degree or the other. As for me, since
almost all the girls and women I know seem to prefer Zooey or Buddy, my
endeavour has been to strive to be like them (not the girls and women,
let me add by way of a parenthetical clarification). Not very
successfully, as they, and ye all, will readily testify. Come to think
of it, I rather like the idea of being Bessie too, with all those kimono
pockets and those conversations with Zooey over various cigarettes and

Somehow Tim and Scottie remind me of them. Tim, I envy you for that
concert with Bob & Paul. Why, even I would happily let anyone trample
over my feet (ah, feet!), if they were carrying a similar placard.

Scottie? He is the closest to Holden I can think of -- as irreverent as
ever, and still managing to remain endearingly lovable, though I can
just about imagine him bristling at being described thus, twirling those
moustaches and putting on his most ginormous sneer to refute even the
remotest possibility of any such rumoured similarity.

And while I am at it, let me also clarify that much as I might miss the
good old days sometines, it is only in the spirit of those extra country
singers it allegedly takes to fix a fused light bulb.

thinking of DENSA and that Groucho remark about memberships to clubs,
but also nodding enthusiastically at all those fond of REM. "I am not
over you".