
From: snarf <>
Date: Thu Dec 04 2003 - 00:39:02 EST

Thanks for your warm welcoming. I have been browsing the archives and I have
noticed that they start in 1997, but one of the very firsts refer to digest
# 197, so I assume the list was running long before 1997. Is there any way I
can browse the archives prior to 1997?
Another question to the list. Have you ever attempted (not sure about the
past of attempt, sorry) a collective close reading of JDS works? I mean, to
start reading all of us, any of JDS books and discussing it. Maybe you
already done it, or you don't feel like doing it, but I think it is big fun
and sometimes very useful for those who have not read much JDS criticism (as
you can imagine, you don't find a book on JDS round every corner down here),
because these close readings always rise interesting ideas, quotations,
links and so on.
Does anybody feel like starting reading (for example) The Catcher... and
share his/her thoughts/knowledge about the opening sentence? I find very
interesting the reference to "all that David Copperfield kind of crap". Do
you think there will be a great american/english book bashing "all that
Salinger kind of crap"? Will it become a school text to beat the canon? Does
it already exist? Would it even use the word "crap"?
OK, I'm pushing things a bit. Maybe you have discussed this issues a
thousand times. I will keep on browsing the archives...

PS to Cecilia: Drink the lousy Merlot. Tomorrow you can get another
bottle...or two.
PS to Jim: I will get your article on The Catcher as soon I'm connected to
send this message. Maybe all the questions I'm raising in this mail are
answered on it, Jim. Thanks for the link.
PS to Kim: Your isolated statement "i enjoyed your post" killed me. It was a
very warm welcome.

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