Re: Oh, Dear! O Piratus!

From: Tim O'Connor <>
Date: Thu Dec 04 2003 - 17:06:20 EST

On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 03:25:38PM -0500, Kozusko, Matthew wrote:

> It seems the profit potential of Salinger-related books has not been
> exhausted just yet. We should consider whether there's something in it for
> the list. Surely we can make a list claim to some sort of Salinger
> connection? If the people assigned to read his professional mail can
> generate enough material for a book, we can probably wring at least a
> longish essay out of our many years of collective anguish, panegyric, and
> dedication.

Good to hear from you, and from Ursinus yet!

I can contribute tales of contact with Oberian lawyers and other
functionaries -- maybe even this latest creation -- about piracy
(with my strong assurance that we don't pirate their client's
stuff on this list, which took some effort to make sink in at
first, but eventually lodged in the Oberoid collective brain).

I'm all for a slice of the cake. 8-) But we would almost
certainly seem to come from the lunatic fringe, eh? (Gee, I made
two references today to instability in this community. I fear
that Scottie will chime in and lend his imprimatur -- or, worse,
deny it to the diagnosis. If that happens, then I can only claim
it for myself.)

Matt, I haven't seen you in about a year. I'm glad you're still
with us.

New subscribers: you could do a lot by seeking out genuine Kozusko
posts in the archives. Don't settle for imitations....


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Received on Thu Dec 4 17:06:38 2003

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